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Sunday 23. November it was Norwegian Winner Show at Hamar.

Northworth Fear For Fight " Franco" 
was BOS with CC & Cacib under
Michael Gadsby.
He also got the title Norwegian Winner -08.

World Winner -08 Nord.Jr.V -06, NUCh SUCh Skjervtun's In Her Shoes, "Søs"
ended as 2. Best Bitch

OBS!! Temporary calculations indicates
that Franco & Søs will top the list
Cocker of The Year 2008.
 SSRK Värmland at Hammarø 29-11-2008
NUCH Skjervtun's Love Express got the title Swedish Showchampion at Hammarø this weekend.

Alfa is also optigentested A.

Skjervtun's Simpson has done very well at two shows 30. august & 6. september.

Simpson ends as BOS at
SSRK avd. Västra i Uddevalla in Sweden.
BOB was Guldkulans Impression
Judge was Morgan Granander. 
Simpson recieves
Best In Show Puppy
at NSK avd. Østfold.
Judge is Christen Lang.
A big congratulation to the owner Katharina Næss, Åsgårdstrand. 
Simpson is out of White Russian vom Schloss Hellenstein & NUCH Skjervtun's love Express.
Saturday 16. August it was International All Breed Show in Drammen.

World Winner -08 Nord.Jr.V -06, NUCh SUCh Skjervtun's In Her Shoes, " Søs" won BOB and
Northworth Fear For Fight " Franco" ended BOS.
Both are now qualiefied for Crufts, and both recieved the Cacib.
 Lynne Brand, Sør Afrika, was judging.
Sunday  6. July it was the World Winner Show in Stockholm.

The incredible happened ! Nord.Jr.V 06, NUCH Skjervtun's In Her Shoes, " Søs" entered the World Winner Show and got the CC, Cacib & World Winner -08 !!!!
She also got the title Swedish Showchampion.
Foto: Petr Studenik
And that's not all, - Nord. JuniorWinner -07 Skjervtun's Wanna Be
won the intermediate class.
Sunday 15. June NSK avd.Vestfold had their show in Tønsberg
Skjervtun's Payback Time was

Best In Show Puppy.

Pepper's mother, Skjervtuns Love Express

became BOS among the adults.

Her owner is Mona Klypen.

Lørdag 31. Mai  Åsnes og Omegn Hundeklubb had their Show.

Manaca's Dog Has It's Day "Paddy"
got the CC and ended as 2. Best Dog.

And he got the title Norwegian Showchampion.

White Russian vom Schloss Hellenstein "Martin"
was 3. Best Dog with CK.

 Kari Granaas Hansen was judging.

The week-end 24-25. mai it was two shows at Jevnaker. Saturday the Norwegian Spaniel Club had their main show, and Sunday avd. Buskerud had their show.
Saturday the judge Mârja Jernstedt from Finland
gave BOB and the CC to Sheerclever Playing the Game. BOS and CC to Nord. Juniorwinner Skjervtun's Wanna Be (Walter) 

Sunday Penny Williams from England
gave BOB and the CC to Northworth Fear for Fight.(Franco) 
BOS went to Nord.jr.v Nuch Skjervtun's In her Shoes ( Søs)

Franco ended as

Best In Show.
Spaniel Special Show in Stavanger 5. April 2008

Nord. Juniorwinner - 07 Skjervtun's Wanna Be "Walter" won  Best of Breed,
NUCh Nord JV.06 Skjervtun's In Her Shoes "Søs" ended BOS
under the judge Jostein Halvorsen.

Walter ended as

Best In Show.

 The Norwegian Spaniel Club Show in Telemark 9. Feb. 2008

This was the first show this year, and what a start:

Best In Show

NUCh Nord JV.06 Skjervtun's In Her Shoes "Søs"

The spanielspecialist Frank W. Bjerklund (Westaway) was judging.


Here Søs wins BOB.

Best dog is NUCh Casein's Campania
Northworth Fear For Fight " Franco" 
recieved the dog CC, and ended 2. Best Dog from the juniorclass.
It was Nordic Winnershow in Stockholm 15. desember 2007
Skjervtun's Wanna Be "Walter" was
Nordic Juniorwinner -07 at
SKK International in Stockholm. 
He's also qualiefied for Crufts.

We want to thank Karin Winbladh who brought him and showed him for us.
Walter. Foto: Toril

Franco has arrived from Nina at Kennel Northworth

Nina says goodbye to
Northworth Fear For Fight " Franco" 
before leaving to his new home at Skjervtun !

Franco og Nina


Kongsberg Hundeklubb had their Show 11. Nov. 2007


Skjervtun's Wanna Be "Walter"

got the CC and  BOB and ended as BIG 2.

Lokodi Zolt judged the breed and

Claudio De Giuliani the group 8.

Nord JV.06 Skjervtun's In Her Shoes "Søs"

ended as BOS with CC, and

got her title Norw. Showchampion to day.


NSK avd. Rogaland had their Show 8. september 2007.


Nord JV.06 Skjervtun's In Her Shoes "Søs"

won Best of Breed again

BOS: Quettadene the Charmer

Owners: Kristin Handeland & Nina Waldeland


Later in the day she also won

Best In Show

Bis 2 was Int Ch Nimblewhit In a Mellowtone.

Judge: Jenny Miller.


NSK avd. Østfold 1. september 2007


Best in Show was

Nord JV.06 Skjervtun's In Her Shoes "Søs"

Bis 2 was Nord Ch. Westaway Into The Mystic.
The owners are Frank Bjerklund og Stig Arne Kjellevold

Judge: Phil Young, England.



BOB Skjervtun's In her Shoes "Søs"

BOS Skjervtun's Wanna Be "Walter"

Walter was 9 months and three days old when he recieved his first CC and ended as Best Dog.


Skjervtun's Picture Perfect "Hermann"
ble BOB & Bis3 Puppy. 

Judge: Sue Young.


NSK avd. Vestfold 2. juni 2007

BOB & BIS 3: Manacas Dog has it's Day

BOS was Doggygarden's Another Posh

Judge: Patsy Hollings.


BIS puppy was

Skjervtun's Wanna Be   

Judge: Vibeke Kjær.


 NSK avd. Buskerud 27. May 2007

BOB was Nord.Jr.v 06 Skjervtuns In her Shoes.

BOS Nuch Caseins Campania

 Judge: Bob Jackson.  


Saturday 26. May the Norwegian Spaniel Club it's Main Show


BIS puppywas  Skjervtuns Wanna Be

Judge: Frank Bjerklund.


  BOB Nord.Jr.v -06 Skjervtun's In her Shoes
BOS Nuch Caseins Campania

Judge: Frances Jackson


BOB puppy both days was
Skjervtun's Wanne Be

BOS both days was
Rainstorm Drama Queen.
 Breeders and owners:
Marianne og Ørjan Ullebø, Bergen.



Double up in Kristiansand 12. & 13. May 2007


Saturday John Hartley judged NSK avd. Agder
and Sunday Leif Herman Wilberg judged the
NKK International.

BOB Saturday was Caseins Campania 
and BOS both days was
Skjervtun's In her Shoes
CC and 2. Best Dog Manaca's Dog has it's Day



March 2007

White Russian vom Schloss Hellenstein -Martin &
Wedding Night vom Scloss Hellenstein -Wendy

has arrived to Skjervtun.

New pics will come soon.



Two Shows in Bergen 24-25 March 2007


NSK avd Bergen/Hordaland Saturday:
Manaca's Dog Has It's Day "Paddy"
recieved his second CC and ended as second Best Male
Skjervtun's In Her Shoes "Søs"
was Second Best Bitch

NKK Bergen International Sunday:
Skjervtun's In Her Shoes "Søs"
recieved the CC, Cacib and BOS
Manaca's Dog Has It's Day "Paddy"
was Second Best Dog with a Ck


Norwegian Spaniel Club Telemark 3.rd of february 2007


Nord JV-06 Skjervtun's In her Shoes
won the CC and ended BOS.

Manaca's Dog Has It's Day recieved the dog CC from the juniorclass.

BOB was Casein's Campania.

 Ann-Christin Johansson from Sweden was judging.