About Us


The interest, and beginning, of our life with cocker spaniels, started a wintersday in 1972. After a long time of nagging, my mother finally capitulated, and permitted me to buy a dog. I couldn't believe it !!! A newspaper was bought, - I would have had my dog YESTERDAY......I didn't get much to choose between : Keeshound or cocker, that was the breeds who were available that day. Keeshound moulted more, so cocker it had to be. We were completely unprepared, THE BREEDER completely unreliable. We were handed over the puppy at the outside stair in 20 ° C below, he took his money and we had to leave. And there we stood, with a tiny puppy. We could see he had not been given proper care, so we decided this dog should have a better life than any other dog. Unfortunately we experienced him to grow up to be a dog with big behaviour-problems. Finally we had to put him to sleep, because of this. We had done every possible mistake, - if we only had been given more advice.....So, one of our main goals in our breeding, is helping our buyers , -hopefully to manage life with their dogs a bit better than we experienced with our first dog.

It started here at Skjervtun, with a family of four, along with two cockers and a cat. Our girls grew up and moved away, and more dogs moved in during these years. We were so lucky to get several excellent cockers from Sweden,which increased our interest for shows. The result was many champions. Not only beautiful to look at, but with a gentle temper which we found perfect. This is the type of cocker we wish to continue to breed. Kind, happy cockers.

Today at Skjervtun we are Elin, Leif, some dogs and cats. We are  living in beautiful Vestfold in Norway, about an hour south of Oslo.

If there is anything we wish to say about our breeding, the cue words will have to be excellent temper and excellent health. Our primary goal is breeding healthy, nice dogs, who are functioning well in their familys. Of course, good exterior is desirable, but making stars have to come next to the dogs health and temper. We hope, and believe, we have succeeded in all three of these tings


We have had more than 30 years with dogs, all filled with joy. This joy is what we hope, and wish, for our buyers.